Monday, November 10, 2008

Upcoming PBS TV Series to Spotlight Vacation Home and Condo Rentals

A new reality TV series, "Living Large on Vacation," slated to be shown on the PBS network soon, will focus solely on vacation home, villa and condo rentals, according to industry veteran Rick Fisher. A consultant to the Florida-based Discover Vacation Homes group of major property management firms, as well as president of Vacation Home Expos, Fisher tells me that PineRidge Film & Television is getting ready to produce the first 13 episodes, based on the notion that vacation homes are the best kept secret in the travel world. Most American travelers have never rented a vacation home, so "the first time this will be promoted to a national audience – that’s huge,” he says.

What will the show resemble? "It's like 'extreme home makeover goes on vacation.'" says Fisher, who adds that each of the first set of episodes will feature a different segment of vacationers (like the family poolside in photo above, girlfriends, destination wedding, etc.) at various domestic destinations. The emphasis, he says, "will be the experience, the lifestyle in the rental homes — barbecues, hot tubbing, wine on the balcony." The show will make the point that for the price of a hotel room you can get an entire, fully equipped house at which to spend your holiday. A brief preview of "Living Large" is already available on YouTube.

Right now the production company, known for its work that appearing on such niche networks as the Travel Channel and HGTV, is considering locations in such places as Maui, Lake Tahoe, Orlando, and Hilton Head. It's hoped the show can start airing as early as next Spring. The venture is seeking funding sponsors at the moment.

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