Monday, February 28, 2005

Western North Carolina: Environment v. Growth

It's a paradox: an environment that draws second-home buyers in the first place is gradually being marred by their influx. That's the thesis of an exchange of letters that appeared not long ago in the Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times.

A letter headlined "Second homes may bring dollars, but development saturation brings other problems" was from a community leader. He argued that the Western North Carolina vacation-home mecca is now so built out, there are fewer available choice sites. Consequently, developers were buying large tracts in an area previously owned by big landholders, such as timber companies."While second homes might not cause any more environmental impact than timber operations may have caused initially," the cost of roads, water and sewer facilities, and the continual impact upon the biotic ecosystems "is equally or even more significant."

I'd like to hear from others who live in fast-growing second-home towns. Do you think this kind of reasoning is
a) on target for your area as well
b) off-base
c) true in some places, but not in your own town.


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