Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Spa + Celeb Fitness MD= "Wellness Homes"

How's this for a hot idea catering to boomers: own a vacation home not on a golf course but at a "wellness" center. Who's doing it? Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the man who made "aerobics" a watchword. His Texas outfit has put its name on a a $2 billion residential wellness community called Cooper Life at Craig Ranch, north of Dallas, the NY Times reports. "The first 800 private homes, town houses, brownstones and midrise condominiums are priced from $400,000 to $2 million..." more are planned. Amenities: "athletic training center named for the Olympic sprinter Michael Johnson. The community will also include a hospital and research institute, parks, gardens, three schools, shops, offices, restaurants and a hotel."

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